Warrens Woods

Primeval Forest Trail

This walking trail winds through the only remaining old growth, beech-maple climax forest in lower Michigan. The trail is located in the 311-acre, Warren Woods State Park. The gigantic beech and maple trees that form the forest occupy 200 of those acres, sheltering one of the most beautiful walking trails in southwest Michigan. There are two ways to enter the forest, a small trail head north and the state park entrance south. Regardless of which you choose, there are about 3.5 miles of trails that loop along the Galien River. Near the center of the forest, a fine pedestrian bridge crosses the river connecting the two halves of the woods. The north approach to the bridge descends to the river. On the south side of the bridge, is an interpretive station with information and benches. There are 40 easy shallow steps, down the stairs to the bridge.

warrens woods

The trail winds through the gigantic trees some of which are more than 100 feet tall, with a girth so great you can't get your arms all the way around, when you hug them. A short distance in, you come to a fork in the trail. Going left will take you on a somewhat rough track to the Galien River. The right fork is a gentler trail that also leads to the river right where the foot bridge is located.


walking bridgeThe unusual wildflowers on the ground, and the variety of birds in the canopy above, complete a nature experience, which is only possible in this last remaining beech-maple climax forest. This fantastic woodland is so little known that, even in the middle of summer, when rangers are turning people away from the dunes park, a few miles away on Lake Michigan, you might be the only hiker breathing the cool pure forest air. Warrens Woods is another great Michigan day trip.

This preserve and Warren Dunes State Park were created as a result of the Great Corset Crisis, podcast.

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